Join the Shadow Side Of The Feminine Community - First Month Free!

-Welcome to Your Community Sanctuary-


Where vulnerability is our superpower, embodied truth is anchor & restoring the organic feminine in our lives is our mission 


The Shadow Side Of The Feminine is a home for women worldwide, that offers a deep exploration into the hidden, denied, and rejected aspects of the feminine.


In Jungian psychology, the "Shadow" represents everything we exile, deny, or remain unaware of—

It is the unconscious, the unknown, the avoided, the too scary to confront.

We often avoid delving into the shadow because it has the power to transform our entire lives. 

But why?

Because when we face the shadow, we uncover where we are truly surrendering our power, to whom, and why.

In that revelation, we realize we can no longer afford to continue these patterns if we desire a life of depth, connection, aliveness, and fulfillment. 

Embracing the shadow is the key to remembering that we no longer have to live in fragmentation- 

It’s a pathway to a felt sense of wholeness & fulfillment, which is essentially what we all long to feel and embody in this life.

-Welcome to Your Community Sanctuary-


Where vulnerability is our superpower, embodied truth is our anchor & restoring the organic feminine in our lives is our mission 


The Shadow Side Of The Feminine is a home for women worldwide, that offers a deep exploration into the hidden, denied, and rejected aspects of the feminine.


In Jungian psychology, the "Shadow" represents everything we exile, deny, or remain unaware of—

It is the unconscious, the unknown, the avoided, the too scary to confront.

We often avoid delving into the shadow because it has the power to transform our entire lives. 

But why?

Because when we face the shadow, we uncover where we are truly surrendering our power, to whom, and why.

In that revelation, we realize we can no longer afford to continue these patterns if we desire a life of depth, connection, aliveness, and fulfillment. 

Embracing the shadow is the key to remembering that we no longer have to live in fragmentation- 

It’s a pathway to a felt sense of wholeness & fulfillment, which is essentially what we all long to feel and embody in this life.

Uncovering the Feminine Shadow is some of the most powerful work we can do as women to liberate ourselves.  

As women, we've been programmed and socialized to please others, to be the "good, nice girl," and to live by unattainable standards of perfection and "femininity." We've been conditioned to glorify youth and beauty, equating our worth with how we look and how successful, young, and attractive we appear.
The pressure to chase these unrealistic, patriarchal ideals leads many women to alter their bodies, fueling anxiety about aging and creating an internalized fear of being left behind. This has distanced us from the fierce power inherent in embracing our true beauty, potential, and integrity.
We've lost touch with our natural, organic feminine essence. And by continuing to adhere to these standards, we as women perpetuate them.
It's time to address these issues with compassion, self-responsibility, and a sense of community, so we can collectively restore what it truly means to live as women in our most natural and vibrant state of being.

In our search to meet the impossible standards of patriarchal femininity, we are left feeling…

Unfulfilled: We never feel we are enough.

Frustrated: We feel something is off, but we can’t quite identify what it is. No matter how hard we try, we can’t reach these (impossible) standards. 

Unmet: We know there is more to being a woman than the games we have been told to play, but we often don’t know what other options are available to us to experience ourselves on a deeper level. Whether we are aware of it or not, we continue to play out these narratives unconsciously.

Uncovering the Feminine Shadow is some of the most powerful work we can do as women to liberate ourselves.  


As women, we've been programmed and socialized to please others, to be the "good, nice girl," and to live by unattainable standards of perfection and "femininity." We've been conditioned to glorify youth and beauty, equating our worth with how we look and how successful, young, and attractive we appear.

The pressure to chase these unrealistic, patriarchal ideals leads many women to alter their bodies, fueling anxiety about aging and creating an internalized fear of being left behind. This has distanced us from the fierce power inherent in embracing our true beauty, potential, and integrity.

We've lost touch with our natural, organic feminine essence. And by continuing to adhere to these standards, we as women perpetuate them.

It's time to address these issues with compassion, self-responsibility, and a sense of community, so we can collectively restore what it truly means to live as women in our most natural and vibrant state of being.

In our search to meet the impossible standards of patriarchal femininity, we are left feeling…

Unfulfilled: We never feel we are enough.

Frustrated: We feel something is off, but we can’t quite identify what it is. No matter how hard we try, we can’t reach these (impossible) standards. 

: We know there is more to being a woman than the games we have been told to play, but we often don’t know what other options are available to us to experience ourselves on a deeper level. Whether we are aware of it or not, we continue to play out these narratives unconsciously.

All of this is deeply normalized, but this is not ok.

It’s Time To Bring These Topics Out of The Shadows.

As women, the longing to feel seen, wanted, loved, and desired is intrinsically woven within our bodies, our psyches, and nervous systems. These natural human needs have been distorted through generations of unhealthy programming. 

But with the right support, each of us has the opportunity to bring the relegated aspects of the feminine out of the shadows. 

Together, we can shine the light on our collective conditioning to reclaim the wisdom of our bodies, our sensual erotic intelligence, and the intuitive, powerful, and fecund nature of the organic feminine principle.

Toni Rahman

"I am so grateful for Maanee as a role model. I am so touched and moved and inspired by her pacing, presence, and what feels to me to be deeply authentic, truly living what she teaches.
I’ve learned that the shadow is nothing to be scared of. It's really not what you think. And with a capable guide, the rewards are absolutely worth it."

This community sanctuary is your invitation to remember how to feel safe to be the full spectrum of who you are as a women.

Each month you will be asked big questions, invited to lean into the uncomfortable, and called to challenge your inherited conditioning and beliefs.

Through this path, you’ll receive one of the biggest gifts ever - To experience the shadow as an ally and a source of power, rather than seeing it as something to be ashamed of and push away.

Shadow work demands us to face truth in the eye and say 

“Yes - I want to know myself in the deepest way possible, even if it means I have to let go of the things that keep me safe in a world that requires me to be anything but who I really am - powerful, free & fully embodied.”

We don't have to do this work alone..


The journey of shadow work can fundamentally change the paradigm that we live in, and we can’t do it alone

When we wake up from the trance we’ve been living in, it can feel lonely- It’s almost like everyone around you can’t see what you now see. 

Community supports us to feel belonging, which is what we all want to feel, it’s actually the deepest human need we have. 

Being in community with other women who are on this journey, holds us accountable when we want to fall back into old patterns that keep us small. 

It helps us feel seen, heard and felt when we are needing to be held. Community supports us to celebrate ourselves in our capacity to inhabit our wholeness without compromise

We stand to champion a new paradigm where women are collectively embodying their natural embodied aliveness together. We do this not just for ourselves but for all the women who don’t have the privilege to do this work.

This community sanctuary is your invitation to remember how to feel safe to be the full spectrum of who you are as a women. 


Each month you will be asked big questions, invited to lean into the uncomfortable, and called to challenge your inherited conditioning and beliefs.

Through this path, you’ll receive one of the biggest gifts ever - To experience the shadow as an ally and a source of power, rather than seeing it as something to be ashamed of and push away.

Shadow work demands us to face truth in the eye and say 

“Yes - I want to know myself in the deepest way possible, even if it means I have to let go of the things that keep me safe in a world that requires me to be anything but who I really am - powerful, free & fully embodied.”

We don't have to do this work alone..


The journey of shadow work can fundamentally change the paradigm that we live in, and we can’t do it alone
When we wake up from the trance we’ve been living in, it can feel lonely- It’s almost like everyone around you can’t see what you now see. 
Community supports us to feel belonging, which is what we all want to feel, it’s actually the deepest human need we have. 
Being in community with other women who are on this journey, holds us accountable when we want to fall back into old patterns that keep us small. 
It helps us feel seen, heard and felt when we are needing to be held. Community supports us to celebrate ourselves in our capacity to inhabit our wholeness without compromise
We stand to champion a new paradigm where women are collectively embodying their natural embodied aliveness together. We do this not just for ourselves but for all the women who don’t have the privilege to do this work.

Shadow work is an anchor for truth. It takes you on a profound journey to uncover what you can’t see, because it reveals the crucial truths of ourselves, the world, and others.


Together, through a variety of different topics we will explore some of the most overlooked & rejected parts of being a women. Each month you will receive teachings on a different topic that explore the shadow & the feminine .

Every live session is recorded for you to watch at a time that suits you.


-Fundamentals of shadow work

-The Organic Feminine 

-The Exiled Feminine

-Loving our Shame

-Ageism & our obsession with the Maiden

-The masks we wear to seek validation as women

-Projection : The dark

-Projection: The light

-Reclaiming Sensuality outside of sexulization

-The Sexual Shadow

-Body Shame

-Grief & Rage-

-Internalized misogyny

-Feminine Leadership

-Embodied Feminine Wholeness


Together, through a variety of different topics we will explore some of the most overlooked & rejected parts of being a women. Each month you will receive teachings on a different topic that explore the shadow & the feminine .

Every live session is recorded for you to watch at a time that suits you.

-Fundamentals of shadow work

-The Organic Feminine 

-The Exiled Feminine

-Loving our Shame

-Ageism & our obsession with the Maiden

-The masks we wear to seek validation as women

-Projection : The dark

-Projection: The light

-Reclaiming Sensuality outside of sexulization

-The Sexual Shadow

-Body Shame

-Grief & Rage-

-Internalized misogyny

-Feminine Leadership

-Embodied Feminine Wholeness

Karen Pringle

"I joined this work needing to understand how to weave my fully authentic self into my everyday life. Maanee explained it beautifully.
Her workshops have given me so much insight into what it means to embrace my femininity. Maanee has such a beautiful way of engaging her audience, I felt seen.
If you’re considering joining, I want you to know that this stuff is vital. You owe it to yourself to get to know who you authentically are. The journey to self is incredibly liberating."

 In the Shadow Side OF The Feminine Community 

You will have access to

The Live Monthly Workshops

Live teachings, Q&As, community sharing, somatic processes and interviews with selected experts, facilitated by Maanee Chrystal, founder of the Somatic Institute For Women. 

The Private Community Group 

Our private  group, where you can share your experience, get inspired and receive support from the women who journey through the themes of the shadow side of the feminine. 

The Teachings Library

Access to a variety of workshop series that explore sensuality, shadow work, pleasure & the erotic. 


Immerse yourself in this deeply supportive space,

surrounded by inspiring women who are

committed to courageously facing their

shadows, together. 

The Teachings Library 

In addition to the monthly workshops you also receive a selection of our most popular pre-recorded workshop series that explores sensuality, the erotic, pleasure & the feminine shadow to assist you deeper in your journey.   

The Shadow Side Of The Feminine Monthly Workshops

Recordings of each of the live teachings, Q&As, community sharing, somatic processes and interviews with carefully selected experts, facilitated by Maanee Chrystal. 

The Shadow Side Of The Feminine

3 Part Workshop Series

A rich, provocative enquiry into the fundamentals of shadow work. A great place to start!

Pleasure Centered Leadership

A somatic roadmap to move you from striving, overdoing and exhaustion into pleasure, presence and embodied integrity.

Embodying Erotic Intelligence

Learn how to thrive in this world as an embodied, erotically sovereign woman. Get in touch with your erotic intelligence & self-source deep, embodied connection from within.

Sensation Is Sacred

In a world that values productivity and performance over well-being and deep self connection, we are often left feeling disconnected from our bodies, our emotions and our sense of who we really are. Sensation Is Sacred offers a clear, trauma-informed roadmap to nurture your sensual nature.

Remembering The Organic Feminine

Available only with the 1 year membership

Return to your free, uninhibited, natural state: The Organic feminine. Become deeply connected to your female body intelligence, emotions, sensations, integrity, truth, freedom & wholeness - A state of being that has not been tampered with, but left in its most natural (organic) form.

The Teachings Library 

In addition to the monthly workshops you also receive a selection of our most popular pre-recorded workshop series that explores sensuality, the erotic, pleasure & the feminine shadow to assist you deeper in your journey.   

The Shadow Side Of The Feminine Monthly Workshops

Recordings of each of the live teachings, Q&As, community sharing, somatic processes and interviews with carefully selected experts, facilitated by Maanee Chrystal. 

The Shadow Side Of The Feminine

3 Part Workshop Series

A rich, provocative enquiry into the fundamentals of shadow work. A great place to start!

Pleasure Centered Leadership

A somatic roadmap to move you from striving, overdoing and exhaustion into pleasure, presence and embodied integrity.

Embodying Erotic Intelligence

Learn how to thrive in this world as an embodied, erotically sovereign woman. Get in touch with your erotic intelligence & self-source deep, embodied connection from within.

Sensation Is Sacred

In a world that values productivity and performance over well-being and deep self connection, we are often left feeling disconnected from our bodies, our emotions and our sense of who we really are. Sensation Is Sacred offers a clear, trauma-informed roadmap to nurture your sensual nature.

Remembering The Organic Feminine

Available only with the 1 year membership

Return to your free, uninhibited, natural state: The Organic feminine. Become deeply connected to your female body intelligence, emotions, sensations, integrity, truth, freedom & wholeness - A state of being that has not been tampered with, but left in its most natural (organic) form.

Jackie Koury
"Before I explored this work, I was blindly accepting unhealthy relationships as the norm. This work opened my eyes to the hidden issues in my marriage. 
The workshops helped me to see the light and enabled me to begin fully embracing my inner goddess."
"I had a surface level academic understanding about these topics. But Maanee’s teachings brought it all to a deeper level of felt awareness in my body. She connected me to my own emotions around the topics of femininity and suppression. 
I truly believe every Woman should take these classes."

A sanctuary for women to drop the bullshit, embody raw truth & empower our greatness. 

Introducing your guide

Maanee Chrystal Lynn Joy

Lead Facilitator of The Shadow Side Of The Feminine Community
Maanee is the founder of the Somatic Institute For Women, a Somatic Psychotherapist, Dance Therapist, Erotic Educator & Community leader.
Her teachings explore the intersection of the feminine, the shadow, trauma, somatics and embodied non-duality. Maanee has over 11 years of experience as a therapist & teacher.
As the visionary founder of The Somatic Institute for Women, Maanee has created a sanctuary for women seeking to reclaim their power and embodiment. She has trained over 250 women to become somatic educators in her year long teacher trainings & her courses have empowered over 80,000 students across the world.
Maanee's work extends beyond a mere vocation—it is a form of activism. She stands for an era of integrated change in a world that is increasingly disconnected from our embodied selves. She advocates for women reclaiming the freedom of their bodies & their somatic intelligence, as agents of change, towards a restored & regenerative future. 
Outside of the Institute, Maanee runs Shadow Work Facilitator trainings in Europe each summer & is at the beginning stages of starting her ecological community project where she runs month long community residencies on Truth Based Living in Thailand, where she has lived for the last 11 years.   
Introducing your guide

Maanee Chrystal Lynn Joy

Lead Facilitator of The Shadow Side Of The Feminine Community

Maanee is the founder of the Somatic Institute For Women, a Somatic Psychotherapist, Dance Therapist, Erotic Educator & Community leader.

Her teachings explore the intersection of the feminine, the shadow, trauma, somatics and embodied non-duality. Maanee has over 11 years of experience as a therapist & teacher.

As the visionary founder of The Somatic Institute for Women, Maanee has created a sanctuary for women seeking to reclaim their power and embodiment. She has trained over 250 women to become somatic educators in her year long teacher trainings & her courses have empowered over 80,000 students across the world.

Maanee's work extends beyond a mere vocation—it is a form of activism. She stands for an era of integrated change in a world that is increasingly disconnected from our embodied selves. She advocates for women reclaiming the freedom of their bodies & their somatic intelligence, as agents of change, towards a restored & regenerative future. 

Outside of the Institute, Maanee runs Shadow Work Facilitator trainings in Europe each summer & is at the beginning stages of starting her ecological community project where she runs month long community residencies on Truth Based Living in Thailand, where she has lived for the last 11 years.   

Your Investment

The Monthly Membership

$23 USD per month (First Month Free)

  ✔ Live monthly calls (recorded to watch any time) 

  ✔ Private community group 

  ✔ Teachings library 

  ✔ Auto-renews monthly

  ✔ Cancel any time. No obligations

  ✔ First month free & no charge for first 30 days 


The 1 Year Membership

$189 USD per year (save $64)

  ✔ All the features in the monthly membership

  ✔ No recurring payments

  ✔ Save 25% on your investment

  ✔ Bonus: Remembering The Organic Feminine workshop included



Meet your guest speakers

World-leading experts in the fields of 

shadow work, women’s empowerment & sexuality.

Dr. Saida Desilets

TEDx speaker, researcher, counter-culture creatrix, body-philosopher &author.
Her work has touched the lives of millions globally.

Michaela Bohem

Educator & expert in intimacy, sexuality & women's empowerment & author of Wild Women's Way

Tiana Dodson

Body liberation facilitator and a lifetime of lived experience as a fat, biracial, queer, neurodivergent person.

Meet your guest speakers

World-leading experts in the fields of 

shadow work, women’s empowerment & sexuality.

Dr. Saida Desilets

TEDx speaker, researcher, counter-culture creatrix, body-philosopher &author.
Her work has touched the lives of millions globally.

Michaela Bohem

Educator & expert in intimacy, sexuality & women's empowerment & author of Wild Women's Way

Tiana Dodson

Body liberation facilitator and a lifetime of lived experience as a fat, biracial, queer, neurodivergent person.

Through this journey you will

  • Feel free to be you, exactly as you are by learning how to safety move out of limiting narratives into an expansion of your embodied, feminine aliveness. 
  • Learn the underlying forces that create a disconnection and a lack of belonging in your life & how to antidote these experiences with shadow work inquiries to support you to feel more free & connection to yourself, others & life. 
  • Gain Somatic & nervous system informed practices to support you to feel more connected to your sensations & emotions & express yourself more deeply. 
  • Know with certainty that it is necessary and appropriate for you to be this honest with yourself and the world. 
  • Discover that we've been programmed to believe so many ridiculous ideals of what It means to be a women, learn how to throw them away & discover who you really are underneath all of the noise. 

Through this journey you will

  • Feel free to be you, exactly as you are by learning how to safety move out of limiting narratives into an expansion of your embodied, feminine aliveness. 

  • Learn the underlying forces that create a disconnection and a lack of belonging in your life & how to antidote these 
    experiences with shadow work inquiries to support you to feel more free & connection to yourself, others & life. 

  • Gain Somatic & nervous system informed practices to support you to feel more connected to your sensations & emotions & express yourself more deeply. 

  • Know with certainty that it is necessary and appropriate for you to be this honest with yourself and the world. 

  • Discover that we've been programmed to believe so many ridiculous ideals of what It means to be a women, learn how to throw them away & discover who you really are underneath all of the noise.

Hennie Timmerman 
"When I first entered this beautiful body of work, I lived my life in a paradigm of fear and anxiety. I was highly vigilant and stuck in my head. 
Maanee showed me the benefit of slowing down and titrating. This is inner gold. 
Thanks to shadow work, I’ve shifted my life into living from deep trust and inner safety. 
Take it slow and follow your own pace, but do start!"

What Our 250+ Past Students Received From This Profound Training

Acquire International accreditation with the Institute of Complimentary Therapies

Accredited courses, like ours certified by The International Institute of Complementary Therapies and their insurance partners, meet rigorous standards to ensure quality and safety in training. This accreditation enhances your career credibility as a somatic educator, distinguishing you from those with unregulated  training. Additionally, as an IICT member and accredited course graduate, obtaining insurance and professional liability indemnity as a trained somatic educator becomes more straightforward.


 Facilitation of Women's Circles and Workshop's & 1-1 sessions

 Develop the ability to facilitate engaging women's circles, workshops, and one-on-one sessions. These sessions offer women opportunities to explore their sensuality, bodies, menstrual cycles, and shadows, incorporating nervous system regulation practices, embodiment techniques, and somatic dance therapy.

Comprehensive Feminine Embodiment Toolkit

Receive a toolkit filled with powerful feminine embodiment practices, including shadow work exercises, nervous system regulation tools, and facilitation guidance, along with strategies on structuring and creating personalized workshops and one-on-one sessions.

Somatic Coaching & Facilitation skills: 

Somatic coaching & facilitation is a powerful tool for professionals because it speaks to the body & the nervous system. This more holistic approach which resonates much more deeply with clients. Somatics decodes the unspoken emotional narratives, bridging gaps where words might fail and cultivating long lasting therapeutic change. Clients who felt stuck before discover beautiful insights and feel a space for new change.



Trauma - Informed Facilitation skills 

There is a  crucial need for a deep sense of embodied safety to be included in the way that we coach and facilitate.

Trauma informed facilitation is achieved through incorporating somatics, trauma awareness, and an understanding of  how the nervous system works so that we can hold space, create our teachings and bring people into transformational experiences in an effective, safe & long lasting way. 



Potential to Join the the at the Somatic Institute For Women

After the program participants may become eligible to join the support coach team in future trainings. If you embody the principles of the training & become an incredible space holder, there is an opportunity to enter our apprenctice program holdig your own pod group the year after & in the second year enetering into a paid position as a support coach. Our team has grown over the last 3 years and most of our support coaches have been with us since the beginning while bringing in more incredibe women each year. This is an incredilbe opportunity to become apart of a growing team of women holding space for this program.



This is for you if you..


Want to experience the Wisdom of the Female Body: You're interested in menstrual cycle awareness and female body intelligence, and seek to guide others in embracing cyclical living, leading to alignment with body, hormones, and sense of self.

Are ready to reclaim Body Sovereignty As Activism and aim to empower your life through body expression and choices, claiming your existence as your own.

Long to redefine sensuality: You want to understand the true nature of feminine sensuality, distinguishing it from patriarchal distortions and recognizing its power for liberation and connection.

Feel The Global Impact: You’re keen to learn about the broader societal implications of suppressing women's embodied power, including its effects on global issues.

Desire to experience Empowerment & Reclamation: You're interested in strategies to shed limiting beliefs and narratives for full embodiment.

Learn the roles of limited Narratives: You wish to delve into societal stories that objectify women, distinguishing these from the authentic essence of womanhood & how to empower women to come into their freedom

Seeking Community & Solidarity: You value the power of collective understanding, mourning, and healing, recognizing you are not alone in your journey.

Yearning to re-connect to your Somatic Wisdom & Show others how to do the same: You seek a reconnection to human essence through somatic wisdom, exploring the rich tapestry of sensations, emotions, and narratives relayed by the nervous system.

A Personal Message From Maanee

My dear,  Embarking on this journey requires courage, and I honor your readiness to dive deeper. The shadow side of the feminine is more than just a membership; it's a sanctuary where we reclaim the fragmented parts of ourselves.

The shadow is something I have had a deep love affair with for the last 15 years. It’s been my anchor for truth. It is such a profound journey to uncover what we can’t see, because it reveals the crucial truths of ourselves, the world, and others. 

The gift that shadow work has given me, above all, is empathy. When I have touched the most tender and unmet parts of myself, I am able to recognize those same parts in others, even if they can’t see or feel those parts themselves. In doing so, we gain love, connection, and validation, and recognize the core of what is really going on underneath.

My wish for you and all of us in this community is that we can remind ourselves to have a love affair with our humanity and allow shadow work to usher us into that journey.

A Personal Message From Maanee

My dear,  Embarking on this journey requires courage, and I honor your readiness to dive deeper. The shadow side of the feminine is more than just a membership; it's a sanctuary where we reclaim the fragmented parts of ourselves.

The shadow is something I have had a deep love affair with for the last 15 years. It’s been my anchor for truth. It is such a profound journey to uncover what we can’t see, because it reveals the crucial truths of ourselves, the world, and others. 

The gift that shadow work has given me, above all, is empathy. When I have touched the most tender and unmet parts of myself, I am able to recognize those same parts in others, even if they can’t see or feel those parts themselves. In doing so, we gain love, connection, and validation, and recognize the core of what is really going on underneath.

My wish for you and all of us in this community is that we can remind ourselves to have a love affair with our humanity and allow shadow work to usher us into that journey.

What will you be able to do with this certification?
Feel safe to feel & guide other women to do the same

From this certification, you will master the art of Somatic Safety, learning to nurture a deep, loving relationship with yourself through bodily awareness. This involves creating a safe space to fully experience and accept your feelings. You'll develop skills to cultivate a strong sense of somatic safety. This foundational aspect of somatics emphasizes developing an embodied presence and gentle attentiveness. It empowers you to hold space for both your own complexities and those of others, fostering a deep, grounded relationship with your inner self. This leads to an unwavering trust and the ability to harmoniously navigate the full spectrum of emotions and sensations. 

Learn to embody your sacred activism

The suppression of women's bodies & their power has far-reaching consequences, extending to the global violence, environmental harm, and rampant oppression we see today.This program will catalyzing a shift towards embracing the regenerative, life-affirming essence the organic feminine principles offer in our lives as a source of activism, simply by the way you embody these teachings.  We advocate for embodied leadership, recognizing that by reclaiming the gentle strength of the organic feminine and weaving it back into the world, we collectively contribute to a rebirth from a culture mired in dominance to one of harmony and healing.

Holistic teachings & practices to apply into your work or create offerings with. 

Delve into a diverse array of educational topics that you can create workshops, themed embodiment session, include into your 1-1 sessions or create somatic sessions for women to explore various layers to reclaim the organic feminine principle.

The core of our program trains you in the foundations of Nervous System Health, Somatic Shadow Work, Trauma Awareness, Somatic Dance Therapy, Menstrual Cycle Awareness, Sensuality, the feminine shadow & much more. Our training is further enriched by the tenets of Embodied Leadership, Somatic Coaching, and Somatic Facilitation. This multifaceted approach ensures a holistic understanding and application of  the Organic feminine 

Discover your mission 

In this module, you'll not only learn how to be a leader with integrity but also embark on a profound personal journey of discovery. You will explore your unique narrative, understanding its power as a teaching tool. The module provides you with essential tools and insights, guiding you to identify and pursue your passion for supporting women's liberation. Additionally, you'll learn how to structure and create effective workshops and one-on-one sessions, integrating these skills seamlessly into your program. This comprehensive education will equip you with knowledge, skills, and clarity in your mission, empowering you to become a transformative and liberating force for women


Your Investment

The Monthly Membership

$23 USD per month (First Month Free)

  ✔ Live monthly calls (recorded to watch any time) 

  ✔ Private community group 

  ✔ Teachings library 

  ✔ Auto-renews monthly

  ✔ Cancel any time. No obligations

  ✔ First month free & no charge for first 30 days 


The 1 Year Membership

$189 USD per year (save $64)

  ✔ All the features in the monthly membership

  ✔ No recurring payments

  ✔ Save 25% on your investment

  ✔ Bonus: Remembering The Organic Feminine workshop included



Frequently Asked Questions

Reflections From Our Community

Sara's Story

"I’m a Yoga teacher and this comes with certain expectations of how to be and how to present yourself (and maybe this is just me). Before I started shadow work, I felt I had to be calm and collected most of the time, not feeling insecure, or nervous, or overwhelmed, because hey as a Yogini isn’t that how you always are? So not being that all the time carried a certain sense of shame and failure for me.
This might sound a little strange but for me the most touching thing about the Shadow Side Of The Feminine Workshops was the delivery. To see Maanee being vulnerable, acknowledging how she feels while talking to us, taking her time, slowing down and breathing was so impactful. It helped me not just understand intellectually what she was saying, but actually feeling how it is to embrace yourself fully and be open and vulnerable.
Now, I take the time to really sense how I feel and where that feeling might come from. I give myself space to acknowledge what is present and tend to it. I move intuitively a lot more, I sway and breathe and soothe and touch. Overall, I feel liberated. 
I’m also more open and authentic in my classes, which in turn has made my students more open and vulnerable (who were shocked at first to hear that I have insecurities). 
This has turned my classes more into the healing space I was dreaming of.
I can understand how Shadow work can appear daunting and how it seems far easier to just keep the difficult emotions at bay. But the truth is… 
Even if you think you are pretty good at controlling everything, underneath it all you still feel the heaviness of the Shadows you carry and hide. Stepping on this path is beginning to take that weight off and oh my darling friend how liberating and freeing that is!!!"

Kylie's Story

"I was raised to be strong and fight in a man’s world. Through some very difficult experiences I also shut down my feminine side so I couldn’t be hurt again. In the beginning, I was concerned about whether these workshops would work for me. But Maanee creates a safe space where you can feel seen and heard and vulnerable.
Maanee has a unique gift to articulate what so many of us don’t know how to.


Her workshops provide a safe space to be seen and heard as a woman in a community that understands women’s needs and experiences on an emotional and spiritual level.
Since doing this work, I am happier and more committed to my journey than I have ever been before. I also now have compassion for my own vulnerability and have learned to start forgiving myself for all the things I didn’t want to deal with.
I have always been able to hold space for others, but never treated myself with the same dignity and love. Thanks to Mannee I have learned to embrace all parts of me, especially my feminine side. The Somatic Institute community really is a safe place to understand ourselves and our journey. 


I highly recommend the Somatic Institute for any women trying to navigate her happiness, journey and just wanting to connect with herself and a community of likeminded women."

Your Investment

The Monthly Membership

$23 USD per month (First Month Free)

  ✔ Live monthly calls (recorded to watch any time) 

  ✔ Private community group 

  ✔ Teachings library 

  ✔ Auto-renews monthly

  ✔ Cancel any time. No obligations

  ✔ First month free & no charge for first 30 days 


The 1 Year Membership

$189 USD per year (save $64)

  ✔ All the features in the monthly membership

  ✔ No recurring payments

  ✔ Save 25% on your investment

  ✔ Bonus: Remembering The Organic Feminine workshop included