For women ready to step away from the old, patriarchal templates of leadership that have left them feeling disconnected from their embodied feminine nature. 

Pleasure-Centered Leadership

A somatic roadmap
to move you from striving, overdoing and exhaustion into pleasure, presence and embodied integrity. 

Reserve your place now to uncover the key to embodied leadership for women.

For women ready to step away from the old, patriarchal templates of leadership that have left them feeling disconnected from their embodied feminine nature


A somatic roadmap to move you from striving, overdoing and exhaustion into pleasure, presence and embodied integrity. 

Reserve your place now to uncover the key to embodied leadership for women. 

The way we lead mirrors the way we live

How can we reshape our approach to leadership, moving beyond the striving, the constant push to be better, the incessant honing of skills in the quest to become the best version of ourselves? 

Instead, what if we re-center our value system around leadership with the profound understanding that who we are, rather than what we do, is the true leader. 

This masterclass is a gateway into reimagining pleasure, leadership, and the deep connections they share. 

Delving into somatics, we provide an embodied blueprint to rewire our nervous systems, fostering a deep-seated worthiness and holistic well-being.

By anchoring ourselves in pleasure, we become the deeply attuned leaders who walk the paths that we inspire our communities to follow. Because we know that the way we lead mirrors the way we live.

This isn't about perpetual joy. It's about building a life rooted in embodied integrity. Here, you'll prioritize self connection rather than self abandonment- tuning into your body as the compass for life and leadership.


In this Masterclass you will be introduced to powerful, paradigm shifting ideas


  • Redefining Leadership: Discover a transformative approach to leadership that shifts focus from external achievements to internal authenticity and embodiment.

  • The True Nature of Pleasure: Learn to see pleasure not as an earned reward but as a core value, reflecting deep self-connection and fulfillment.

  • Embodied Leadership Principles: Understand the power of presence. Receive the knowing that genuine leadership stems from who you are, not just what you do or say.

  • Somatic Awareness: Discover the somatic roadmap, a tool that bridges the gap between external striving and true self-alignment. Use this tool to connect deeply with your body's intelligence.

  • Living Authentically: Grasp the concept of leading by example. By living in your embodied truth, you inspire and influence those around you to do the same. 

How can we reshape our approach to leadership, moving beyond the striving, the constant push to be better, the incessant honing of skills in the quest to become the best version of ourselves? 

Instead, what if we recenter our value system around leadership with the profound understanding that who we are, rather than what we do, is the true leader. 

This masterclass is a gateway into reimagining pleasure, leadership, and the deep connections they share. Delving into somatics, we provide an embodied blueprint to rewire our nervous systems, fostering a deep-seated worthiness and holistic well-being. By anchoring ourselves in pleasure, we become deeply attuned leaders who believe that the way we lead mirrors the way we live.

This isn't about perpetual joy but building a life rooted in embodied integrity. Here, you'll prioritize self connection rather than self abandonment- tuning into your body as the compass for life and leadership.

In this Masterclass you will be introduced to paradigm shifting ideas -

Sign Up To The Free Masterclass 

Get access to the Free Masterclass 


Invite your leadership to emerge from a place of pleasure, through the power of deep, embodied presence.

If you want to both understand and feel this deeply within yourself, then sign up to the masterclass!



You’ll Learn The 3 Core Principles to Embodied Leadership

Rethinking Leadership: From Striving to Being


The common narrative of leadership emphasizes constant striving, perpetual self-improvement, and an unending quest for excellence.

But what if we pivot from this exhausting cycle? What if, instead of focusing solely on the external—the skills, the achievements—we turn inwards, acknowledging that our core essence is the most influential teacher?

True leadership isn't merely about actions or words;

Our people intuitively recognise and learn from our presence and our embodiment before anything else. 



You’ll Learn The 3 Core Principles to Embodied Leadership

The common narrative of leadership often emphasizes constant striving, perpetual self-improvement, and an unending quest for excellence.

But what if we pivot from this exhausting cycle? What if, instead of focusing solely on the external—the skills, the achievements—we turn inwards, acknowledging that our core essence is the most influential teacher?

True leadership isn't merely about actions or words; it's about our presence and embodiment that others intuitively recognize and learn from.


Pleasure can transform our lives

Pleasure is transformative. By embracing pleasure, you signal to your body that you're no longer sacrificing your well-being to conform, to please others, or to wear masks that don't resonate with who you truly are.

Pause for a moment. Ask yourself:

  •  Who am I truly living for?
  •  What is it that genuinely fuels my spirit?
  •  Do I have the courage to embrace what I desire without reservation?

In this masterclass, we will courageously answer these questions and act on them, to transform your sense of identity, your relationships, and your leadership. It's a testament of self-love, a proclamation to ourselves and those around us of our authentic desires and needs.

The feedback your nervous system receives from such authentic expressions and choices is profound. This alignment is what creates powerful leadership...

When you embody your raw truth, you inspire others to do the same. 

Embracing pleasure is transformative. It signals to your body that you're no longer sacrificing your well-being to conform,
 to please others, or to wear masks that don't resonate with who you truly are.

Pause for a moment. Ask yourself:

  •  Who am I truly living for?
  •  What is it that genuinely fuels my spirit?
  •  Do I have the courage to embrace what I desire without reservation?

Daring to answer these questions and acting on them not only affects our own sense of identity but also our relationships. It's a testament of self-love, a proclamation to ourselves and those around us of our authentic desires and needs.

The feedback your nervous system receives from such authentic expressions and choices is profound . This alignment is what essentially creates powerful leadership.. as you embody truth, you inspire others to do the same. 

Somatics as a blueprint for safety


Many grapple with their self-worth or feel that pleasure is something to be earned. But remember, feeling good is our birthright.

Embracing joy can be daunting. But what if you had a deep internal resource of safety to draw upon at each step along the way? 

To meet the challenges ahead, we will explore somatic practices to cultivate an internal safehaven of wellbeing and support.

These practices address the unconscious barriers we've set against joy, navigating the complex maze of trauma and deeply ingrained patterns.

By revisiting and rewriting these narratives, we bridge the disconnect in our bodies. This enables us to courageously engage with these questions and reshape our lives around genuine pleasure, paving the path to authentic fulfilment. 




Somatic practices offer a blueprint to nurture an internal haven of safety, allowing us to fearlessly engage with these questions and reshape our lives around genuine pleasure.

Indeed, embracing joy can be daunting.

Many grapple with their self-worth or feel that pleasure is something to be earned. But remember, feeling good is our birthright.

Through somatics, we address the unconscious barriers we've set against joy, navigating the complex maze of trauma and deeply ingrained patterns.

By revisiting and rewriting these narratives, we bridge the disconnect in our bodies, paving the path to authentic fulfilment. 

This Free masterclass is for women who

  • Wish to reorient your life around values and desires that resonate deeply within.
  • Believe as leaders that deep, embodied presence is our greatest power.
  • Hold that pleasure is our fundamental human right, and challenge the capitalist narrative that pleasure is a luxury we have to earn. 
  • Are ready to prioritize and cultivate pleasure as a necessity, not just an indulgence.
  • Seek the courage to question, reflect, and embrace your true desires in life, to become an even more potent leader. 
  • Are committed to cultivating an internal somatic environment of safety and connection.
  • Are ready to rewrite narratives of disconnection and fear in your nervous system in order to embody your worthiness of pleasure. 
  • Choose to transform your essence into an influential beacon, guiding and teaching others from an intuitive and well-nourished nervous system.

This Free masterclass is for those women who


"Hand on my heart I am so deeply grateful for the teaching and education i've experienced with Maanee. She is such an outstanding and enormously competent teacher. In all aspects I was in awe of her authenticity. Her transparency, her way of redefining professionalism and way of teaching.
She really over exceeded my desire for a container that was grounded and held in integrity.
Also bridging embodied spirituality and science, bringing so many different angles together and weaving them into a body of work that really has such a massive impact on women."

Isabelle Griffith

"I absolutely loved Maanee's way of holding, facilitating & guiding. Her presence, embodiment, wisdom instilled so much trust, safety and resonance within me.
It is so inspiring to see Maanee's expert facilitation, gentle but firm holding, and tender and compassionate approach.
Maanee also has a unique, almost poetic way to distill knowledge and deliver it tenderly within the body - so that it feels as though it was speaking directly to the body, feeding the mind just what it needs to be on board, but mostly speaking in the language of feelings, sensations and embodied wisdom. Being in Maanee's presence and experiencing her teachings was a gift in itself."

Meet your teacher

Maanee Chrystal

Maanee is a Somatic Trauma Psychotherapist, Dance Therapist, Erotic Educator and Sensual Embodied Activist. Her teachings explore the intersection of the feminine, the shadow, trauma, somatics and embodied non duality and has over 11 years of experience as a therapist & teacher.

As the visionary founder of The Somatic Institute for Women, Maanee has created a sanctuary for women seeking to reclaim their power and embodiment. She has trained over 250 women to become somatic educators in her year long teacher trainings & her courses have empowered over 25,000 students.

For Maanee, the themes she works with extends beyond a mere vocation—it is a form of activism. She stands for an era of integrated change in a world that is increasingly disconnected from our embodied selves and advocates for women reclaiming the freedom of their bodies & their somatic intelligence as the agent of change towards a restored & regenerative future.

Become an influential beacon by embodying your truth, prioritizing your well-being, and connecting deeply with your body's intelligence. 

Become an influential beacon by embodying your truth, prioritizing your well-being, and connecting deeply with your body's intelligence.