Embodying Erotic Intelligence


Embodying Erotic Intelligence


Learn how to thrive in this world as an embodied, erotically sovereign woman. Get in touch with your erotic intelligence & self-source deep, embodied connection from within.



Learn how to thrive in this world as an embodied, erotically sovereign woman. Get in touch with your erotic intelligence & self-source deep, embodied connection from within.



What Is Erotic Intelligence? 

The Erotic (Eros) is the profound quality of aliveness, the stream of Life, that flows uniquely through each of us. 

Embodying Erotic Intelligence means entering into deep relationship, intimacy & attunement to ourselves. 

When we do this, we naturally experience a moving sense of connection, safety & fulfilment - sensuous, connected & anchored within our body wisdom. 

In a culture that programs us to look everywhere but in, we have lost touch with the natural capacity we inhabit to touch the core of our being with our own loving, embodied presence. This workshop is an invitation to reclaim this essential self-connection. 

What Is Erotic Intelligence? 

The Erotic (Eros) is the profound quality of aliveness, the stream of Life, that flows uniquely through each of us. 

Embodying Erotic Intelligence means entering into deep relationship, intimacy & attunement to ourselves. 

When we do this, we naturally experience a moving sense of connection, safety & fulfilment - sensuous, connected & anchored within our body wisdom. 

In a culture that programs us to look everywhere but in, we have lost touch with the natural capacity we inhabit to touch the core of our being with our own loving, embodied presence. This workshop is an invitation to reclaim this essential self-connection. 

Our Erotic Intelligence Has Been Sent Into The Shadows.

Through social & cultural conditioning, our Erotic intelligence has been supressed, repressed into the unconscious, and limited to the realm of superficial pleasure, sexuality & sensuality. 

When we sexualize, repress, or project our erotic essence outwards, we become disconnected from its' potential. We are severed from our innate body wisdom. This causes the erosion of our confidence, self worth, empowerment & inner authority. Reclaiming our erotic sovereignty is life-affirming. It effotlessly inspires us to take responsibility for ourselves, our bodies and our fulfilment. 

Our Erotic Intelligence Has Been Sent Into The Shadows.

Through social & cultural conditioning, our Erotic intelligence has been supressed, repressed into the unconscious, and limited to the realm of superficial pleasure, sexuality & sensuality. 

When we sexualize, repress, or project our erotic essence outwards, we become disconnected from its' potential. We are severed from our innate body wisdom. This causes the erosion of our confidence, self worth, empowerment & inner authority. Reclaiming our erotic sovereignty is life-affirming. It effotlessly inspires us to take responsibility for ourselves, our bodies and our fulfilment. 

This Is Your Invitation

A Refreshing "Wake-Up" For Your Erotic Current

Embodying Erotic Intelligence will gently guide you to shed layers of conditioning, reclaim your erotic innocence, and get in touch with your erotic intelligence.  

Through a unique blend of somatic practices, personal stories and practical exercises, I will offer you a clear blueprint to self-source deep, embodied connection from within.

You will learn to thrive as an embodied, erotically sovereign embodied woman. 

This Is Your Invitation

A Refreshing "Wake-Up" For Your Erotic Current

Embodying Erotic Intelligence will gently guide you to shed layers of conditioning, reclaim your erotic innocence, and get in touch with your erotic intelligence.  

Through a unique blend of somatic practices, personal stories and practical exercises, I will offer you a clear blueprint to self-source deep, embodied connection from within.

You will learn to thrive as an embodied, erotically sovereign embodied woman. 


Maanee Chrystal

Maanee Chrystal is a Somatic Psychotherapist, Dance Therapist, Erotic Educator & Somatic Trauma therapist. She is an embodied researcher of the hidden, suppressed & denied aspects of self & the collective. Maanee weaves her innate capacity for deep feeling and sensing through the body, her love for the shadow & reclamation of the organic feminine principle into unique offerings & trainings through her school,The Somatic Institute For Women.

Maanee recognises the work in the realm of the shadow, trauma, somatics & womens empowerment as a form of embodied activism. She strongly feels making these themes central to our lives is one of the most important areas to focus on, both individually & collectively if we desire long lasting and integrated change in a collapsing and disembodied world.

She stands for a world where women feel safe, alive and free in their bodies, heart, mind, sexuality, spirituality & eroticism, outside the limited and confined constructs of patriarchal femininity that has contorted women out of their innate embodied aliveness. This is why she has founded the Somatic Institute For Women.

Receive This Workshop To

 Shed societal dogma about eros to reclaim your erotic innocence

  Feel inspired to receive the rich aliveness that is here in the present moment

  Practice somatic tools to cultivate the sense of slow safety that enables eros to flourish

 Explore your own erotic blueprint, through probing questions, journal prompts and personal stories

  Reclaim pleasure as your internal compass, so it can guide you to your evolution, integration and rebirth.Feel inspired to receive the rich aliveness that is here in the present moment