"This program was everything I was looking for, and was also everything I needed in ways I didn't even know. I am SO grateful for who you are as a teacher, Maanee, your passion and your dedication to this work.
Every class had me in tears, on the floor or just in absolute awe.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Somatic Coach

"This training is one of the most precious gifts I've ever given to myself. It gave me a sense of safety & belonging. It brought consistency to my personal practices.
The Somatic Educator Training for Women brought me back to myself, to my Self, to my true, genuine, deep self.
I couldn't thank the faculty enough and all women that held space for me."
Participant of 2022 training, Brazil

"I did this course to gain more confidence. What I received was much, much more.
I am amazed at how much more free I am. More grounded and comfortable being me. I don't really care what others think about me now, because I feel safe and connected to who I am.
The teachings provided me with so much opening within myself as a therapist. Forever grateful."
Holistic Therapist, Australia
No matter our age, the body story we live or the unique experiences we hold, we can all be leaders in our own unique way!
Our 2024 Training is Sold Out. Join The Waitlist For Our 2025 Training.

"If you want to connect with yourself in a deep, meaningful, and loving way, please take this training. This course has helped me to connect deeply with myself and to my aliveness. This training was a game changer for me and my womanhood, motherhood, personhood & relationships.
It has been the most effective softening serum for me physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically. I have a new intimacy with myself and also with my partner and child.
Now I navigate my inner world and outer world with more trust, discernment, grace, resilience, love and fun!"
Anne, USA

"I am a different woman than I was a year ago. I have a more loving, sensual relationship with my body. I react less from old trauma and triggers and instead respond from a deep trust in myself. My eyes are wide open to the often subtle effects of patriarchy, misogyny, and capitalism on my beliefs and behaviors.
As a mid-life woman, I feared aging. Now, I am excited and eager to explore and expand myself in every direction possible.
I have found new purpose in guiding and witnessing other women – and myself- to feel safe and free within ourselves and within the larger world. I trust in life more than ever!"
Elizabeth , USA
I'm ready to reclaim my freedom in ALL the ways & guide other women to do the same!
Our 2024 Training is Sold Out. Join The Waitlist For Our 2025 Training.
What You Will Receive From This Training,
As a Woman, an Educator & Changemaker
For Women
Reconnection With The Soma
Discover the human essence through somatic wisdom. Explore the rich and diverse tapestry of sensations, emotions and narratives that the nervous system offers us.
The Safety To Feel
Master the art of somatic safety, by nurturing a deep, loving relationship with yourself, through bodily awareness. Develop unwavering self-trust and the ability to harmoniously navigate the full spectrum of emotions and sensations.
Female Body Wisdom
Form a relationship to your through menstrual cycle awareness and the unique female nervous system to live in alignment with your body, hormones, and sense of self.
The Feminine Without Patriarchal narratives
Reveal the societal stories that objectify women to deepen into authentic womanhood.
Supportive Community
Share collective understanding, mourning, and healing, recognizing that you are not alone in your journey. You are surrounded by inspiring women who walk this path alongside you!
Full-Bodied Sensuality
Experience the true nature of feminine sensuality, without patriarchal distortions, to experience its’ power for liberation and connection.
For Educators
Professional Skills
Acquire the ability to facilitate women’s circles, group workshops and 1:1 sessions, where women can These sessions offer women opportunities to explore their sensuality, bodies, menstrual cycles, and shadows.
Somatic Fluency
Decode the underlying emotional narratives of your clients, bridging the gap where words fail. Support clients to the subconscious dynamics at play in their lives, through the soma, to reveal beautiful insights and space for new change.
Trauma-Informed Practice
Embodied safety is the fundamental starting point for effective coaching and facilitation. Deliver safe transformative experiences, equipped with the skill to handle whatever comes up, both for you and your client.
Official IICT Certification
Receive formal qualification from the International Institute of Complementary Therapists. Be recognised formally as a therapist, and gain access to insurance options not available to the general public.
Access To Apprenticeship
A handful of graduates who embody the principles of the training will receive the opportunity to participate in the apprenticeship and support the training as support coaches. This is an incredible fast-track to becoming an incredible space holder.
For Change-Makers
Global Awareness
Cultivate rich awareness around the suppression of women's embodied power on the global level. Understand the roots of violence, environmental harm and rampant oppression that we see today.
Body Sovereignty
Experience the feeling of freedom that comes with reclaiming your body from patriarchal and misogynistic conditioning. Learn how to truly love your body and let it lead.
Your Mission
Reveal your own unique purpose; the resonant calling that follows from your natural gifts and your unique life experiences.
Sacred Activism
The training to embody all the qualities already mentioned, so they go beyond ideas and become the vital, natural expression of your being. Radiate these qualities outwards, inspiring your family, your clients and your community.
The Investment Options
Closes 18 March 2024
Up front: $6,500 (save $250)
Payment Plan: 10 x $675 / month (total $6,750)
Included In Your Investment
- 14 Months of World Class Training: delivered by 10+ inspiring facilitators & teachers with decades of experience.
- Live & Pre-Recorded Training Sessions: 2x/month, 130+ hours of training.
- Pod Group & Support Coach: With group calls, practice exercises & individualised feedback.
- Professional Manuals: Professional techniques to use in sessions, & personal practices.
- Q&A Calls (Optional): 2x/month, to get your personal questioned answered.
- Pleasure Practice Salon (Optional): 2x/month, to deepen your personal experience of the trainings.
- IICT Certification: For students who complete the course materials. Professional credibility & the ability to get insured as a therapist.
- Lifetime Access: to all our training materials.
- Potent Transformative Space: to support your personal growth and flourishing as a feminine leader!
- 3 bonuses : 1 x shadow side of the feminine workshop series 1 x sensation is sacred workshop series & 1 x summit of sensuality
You'll receive 3 incredible bonuses when registering to the certification

Frequently Asked Questions
Do you offer payment plans and/or scholarships?
Do I need any previous experience to join the training?
Can I watch replays of the sessions if I can't attend live?
Is this a trauma healing program? Will I be trained to work with trauma? What do "trauma-informed" and "shadow work" mean?
What is the time commitment for students?
What are the session dates & times?
Are there due dates for practices?
What do I need to do in order to get certified?
What can i do with this certification? Is it accredited?
Can I get a discount if I've already purchased one of the bonuses?
How can I ask further questions about the training?
" The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." - Camus